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-1st A Playbook for Using Welcome to the Big Leagues | Welcome to the Big Leagues

A “winning hand” for a winning life.

I’m in way over my head when it comes to cards, but, even I know that 4 aces helps to make a winning hand. When combined with a King, it

No such thing as “Just-a” dad

My dad probably didn’t know how special he was.  His impact on my life was beyond measure.  But, in being faithful for a lifetime of manly responsibilities I think he

Practice! Practice!! Practice!!!

Welcome to the Big Leagues–Every Man’s Journey to Significance is a book to give you a mental, emotional and spiritual workout.  Practice the subjects of each inning/chapter and let them influence

Successfully Manage your team’s use of Welcome to the Big Leagues

Every team needs a manager. “So what does a manager do? One of the first lessons a manager must learn is that good managers don’t DO anything. A manager’s role

A whole season of ideas for Welcome to the Big Leagues

The main thing that bothered Darrel about being a Utility Player was not getting many at bats.  More at bats improve each at bat becasue the skills improve.  Same here.