The main thing that bothered Darrel about being a Utility Player was not getting many at bats.  More at bats improve each at bat becasue the skills improve.  Same here.  Read the book once but then use it again with a friend, a group of guys or a class in a series of lessons.


In spring time, when hope springs eternal, a new baseball season is getting started.  Winter is over, warm weather is eagerly anticipated and everything feels new.  If baseball season had never ended, it wouldn’t be the same.  For maximum attendance and effectiveness chose, in advance, a certain number of weeks with a beginning and an ending.  That is your season.  The number of the weeks is entirely up to the group.  Each chapter can stand alone but they all work together too.  That gives you a variety of options.  Below are the two most frequently used options.

4-6 weeks. 

There are 4 sections to the book not counting the introduction.  Choosing one chapter from each section opens up the group to the specific subject of the chapter and the main topics of each section (1.  Getting in the game.  2.  Facing the competition.  3.  Keeping the Score  4.  The extra innings—winning.)

12 weeks.

Discusses an Inning/Chapter per week.  Each “Inning” is designed to be a chapter with two halves.  The “Top Half” of the Inning is Darrel’s experience and the baseball story and the “Bottom Half” is every man’s story with the application.  Much of the bottom half is my story as I, as “every-man”, am living a similar experience and learning to apply the lesson (making the application for everybody).

Other options.

These three options provide the opportunity to go deeper with the content.  I will describe them in more detail at another time but I mention them as seed for thought.

  • Discuss one chapter a month for a year.
  • Weekend retreat.
  • 5 day Intensive.

Call us to set something up.  All contact information is on the “About Us” page of the web site.