From page 154 of Welcome to the Big Leagues–Every Man’s Journey to Significance
“Darrel, I want you to be ready when the game comes to you.”
“Yes sir! I’ll be ready,” Darrel said as he reached his hand out and gave Sparky an I-mean-business handshake.
It was not the time for words, but for action. Sparky could see Darrel was a revived man with a new vision for the game. He returned the hand-shake, then went back to his desk as Darrel headed out the door and down the hall to the locker room.
Purpose has an amazing affect on a man’s motivation. Knowing that being a utility player was his purpose and that he was a strategic part of the team which enabled every position to be its strongest, Darrel got ready for every game.
He was always one to work out, but his workouts became more intense. Before and after games, he would wear the rubber warm-up shirt so his two or three mile jogs would have maximum sweat and results. Workouts in the weight room increased his strength, but did not bulk him up or decrease his mobility. His humor and enthusiasm returned and so did the Reds’ winning ways. Not that it was all about Darrel, but the second half of the season was a lot better than the first. They ended up winning the division with 99 wins.
As it happened, the game did come to Darrel; sliding into third base that day, Davey Concepcion broke his ankle and was out for the rest of the season.
Read Proverbs 3:5, 6