This column is dedicated to the memory of my dad, Bob Hettinger. He fought the fight for freedom in war and honor and devotion in all the battles and struggles of life in serving his God and family. He was faithful to the very end and finished as my hero. He fought the fight and won the prize.
The real battle is over the heart and soul of a man.
Across the ages conflict has raged and men and women have been drawn into battles to defend a cause and protect their territory. Evil has opposed God in large and small ways. The names of the warriors have changed and the battle fields are different, but when it is all boiled down, the struggle is for the heart and soul of a man.
Every scenario is filled with drama and emotional turmoil. Effort and cost is present each time. This is where the inner battle is won or lost–faith in God’s will and confidence the He will use you in His divine strategy to care for your family, bless our nation and further God’s kingdom of love and grace.
God knows you, gave you life to be alive today, made you with a specific design, invited you into His cause, works in and through you by His Spirit and promises a reward at the end of it all.
What you do matters because your life matters!