Every team needs a manager.

“So what does a manager do? One of the first lessons a manager must learn is that good managers don’t DO anything. A manager’s role is to MANAGE the people who actually DO the work. The manager’s role is to make the group more effective than they would be without him.” (Read more on Management … http://management.about.com/od/begintomanage/a/WhatDoesManagerDo.htm)

Manager pitching change


Not “do anything” isn’t exactly correct.  Here are a few important things YOU can do that will GET EVERYONE IN THE GAME so they enjoy a winning experience while reading and discussing Welcome to the Big Leagues.

FACILITATE. DON’T LECTURE. This method can be a little frightening for the rookie group leader/facilitator because the outcome is uncertain. Over preparation is more of a risk than under preparation. After just a little experience the leader will learn to facilitate the group’s meetings where interaction will be free flowing.

The discussion questions at the end of the inning/chapter should be adequate because they are open ended questions designed to make people think. However, being prepared with a few more wouldn’t hurt, as simple as, “Where can you see yourself in either of these stories?

TRUST. DON’T FEAR. This method is exciting because you never know exactly what you are going to get and greater results take place when you are dependent on God to work and trust Him to accomplish His purpose.

CATALIZE. DON’T CONTROL. God is working in the lives of everyone in the group. Their experiences are important and their insights are valid. Call them by name, look them in the eye, and actively listen when they talk. People will love the group because they will feel like they matter and you will be treating them like their life matters.

APPLY. DON’T IMPOSE. This leadership style lets people discuss from where they are in their lives at that point in time. They do not have to be a scholar and get the right answer. They just have to be thoughtful enough to share their life and willing to take the risk to be vulnerable. As they share it will become clear when changes need to be made in thier lives. Seek to apply the lesson, allowing the person time and space to receive it, but don’t force your conclusion on another person.

PROTECT. DON’T HARM. Growth and freedom come in a safe and secure environment. A breach of confidentiality can ruin years of progress. Providing care for the group and each person in the group will produce a healthy environment.